Taking a little time to brag about yourself or show off your company, are you?
When it comes to logo printing you need it to be the best. After all, the prints are the greatest representation of you, your style, and your message.
Use these tips to create perfect prints of eye popping, head turning logos for you or your company.
1. Decide Your Product
Before you can dive into making your logo look just right you have to decide where it will be used.
Are you creating a statement for a billboard? Making t-shirts for an upcoming event? Revamping your work ID Card or business card?
Taking these options into consideration will affect how you design your logo.
Resources on the web make it as easy as possible for you to get started.
The people at IDCard even offer free design and same day shipping!
2. Personalize And Create Your Design
Time to show off and be unique!
Websites that specialize in logo printing make it easy for you start from scratch and get exactly what you want.
The options for design are endless and things to consider include text, graphics, shapes, symbols, images, color, size, and style.
Have fun with it! Plan, design, share, revamp and do it all over again to create different options for yourself.
3. Bleeds
Now some technical work. Don’t worry, this isn’t about to get gory.
When printers refer to the the images on a page, a term they use is “bleed”.
You’re probably thinking, well it sounds bad.
Is it?
When you send your logo out for printing, the images and text that you choose need to be a certain distance away from the edge of the page.
If it’s not? The printer may have to resize your logo, change the size of the paper, or make other adjustments.
After all the hard work you put into designing, do you really want someone else touching, moving, and resizing? I’m guessing not.
Avoid this conversation with the printer by making sure your logo follows proper bleed guidelines. They apply to every product you can dream about printing on.
4. Smooth Conversions
Have you ever created something in a document and then tried to copy and paste it somewhere else only to have all of your margins shifted, images re-layered, and font changed? *cringe*
Thankfully, there are suggestions that can help you avoid these problems.
- Create and save your artwork in 300 dpi. Anything lower and you run the risk of having blurry prints.
- Use the correct color scale. RGB (red, green, blue) is best for web materials while CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) is best for printed material.
- See Bleeds from above.
5. Logo Printing Should Not Be a Rushed Job!
Time can not be stressed enough. Proofread your design, talk with the printer when the job is sent over, and request print proofs.
Nothing would be worse than ordering 500 new business cards only to find out that you entered your phone number incorrectly.
Get started now so you and your company can start printing the perfect logo!
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