How to Convey Trust in Security Logo Design
Posted on September 29, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

The latest study from the Edelman Trust Barometer found that trust in all business institutions has plummeted over the last few years.
This data certainly isn’t exactly encouraging for security companies that rely so heavily on having their customers’ trust.
But don’t panic!
There are lots of ways you can adjust your company’s branding efforts to promote trustworthiness to potential customers, but one of the best ways is through your company’s logo.
Keep reading to learn how to convey trust through your security logo design.
Focus on Your Font
A high-quality logo will make all the difference in your branding efforts. One of the easiest ways to boost the quality of your security logo is to choose the right font.
Businesses that rely on the trust of their customers — security firms, financial institutions, etc. — often use modern fonts for their logo.
Modern fonts are elegant and feature a contrast between thick and thin strokes. They send off a calm, in-control message, which makes them perfect for security logos.
Modern fonts also strike a perfect balance between new and old. They’re not too “trendy,” which can indicate a lack of experience, but they’re not too old-fashioned, either, which can indicate being out of touch.
Use Capital Letters
Security logos can also benefit from using all capital letters. A study published by the British Journal of Psychology found that customers are more likely to remember a brand name if its logo is written in capital letters.
Capital letters are more recognizable and, therefore, more memorable for a lot of people. There’s also something more attention-grabbing about a logo written in capitals.
Use Geometric Shapes
Strong geometric shapes like triangles and circles send the message that your security business is steadfast and reliable. Triangles have a solid foundation but also indicate that progress is possible. Circles are also a good choice, as they signify continuity and stability.
Choose the Right Colors
Just like fonts, colors have a huge impact on the message your security logo conveys. Certain colors emphasize specific traits.
For a security business, blue, gray, and black are all good colors to utilize to convey a sense of authority and credibility.
Blue symbolizes protection, security, authority, and boldness. It’s often used in logos for companies that sell electronics. Zions Security also uses it in their logo and throughout their website to subtly send the message that they are a trustworthy organization.
Black and grey both symbolize authority, practicality, and earnestness. Both of these colors are common in corporate logos.
Make it Versatile
No matter which colors and fonts you use for your security logo, make sure that the design is highly versatile. Customers need to be able to read it at any size, from billboards to social media profile pictures.
Although your logo’s color is important, there are going to be times when your logo can only be printed in black and white. So, you need to make sure that it’s still readable even without color. This way, it will look good no matter where it’s featured.
Need Help Creating Your Security Logo?
Now that you know what to include in your security logo, it’s time to start designing. If you’re new to the design world, check out our free logo design tool today. We can’t wait to see what you create!
5 Safety Logo Ideas That Are Great Starting Points for Contractors
Posted on September 07, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

For most people, picking out a contractor goes much further than just choosing the one with the best price. The main concern many people and companies have is safety.
Everything, from your logo to your sales copy, needs to reflect that safety and reliability is a key point for your company. But how can you know if your logo communicates this message?
Here are 5 different ideas on how to accurately create a safety logo for your company.
One way you can help your logo reflect the right values is by adding a shield. Due to their historical significance, shields naturally remind people of protection and security.
Oftentimes logos with shields are used for health care companies, security companies, and educational facilities. An example of this is the insurance agency, Blue Cross Blue Shield.
If your logo is going to have words in it, you need to think very carefully about the fonts.
What most people don’t know is that fonts carry unrecognized meanings for their viewers. Dainty and elegant script fonts are often associated with softness and elegance.
While contracting certainly can be elegant, a soft font doesn’t inspire confidence the same way another font could.
Another style of font that should not be used are jagged and rough edged ones. People understand that contracted work is hard and rough. However, those uneven edges do not depict safety and thus are not suitable for your logo.
Use Safety Symbols
If you aren’t crazy about adding the shield icon, there are still many icons available that portray safety and security. Here is a list of symbols:
- Construction hat
- Construction signs
- Hands
- Nature symbols such as leaves and trees
- Homes
Every single one of these symbols have been used successfully to portray comfort and safety hundreds of times. The feeling most people get when they look at them is one of comfort.
Therefore, you can feel confident in utilizing one of them for your safety logo.
Be sure to choose a safety symbol that best matches the personality of your team and the safety training they’ve received.
Try broadening your team’s safety experience through safety training online workshops! This will allow you to choose between even more symbols.
Avoid Red
Like fonts, you need to think carefully about the colors you use in your design as well. Different colors often evoke different feelings. This is called the psychology of colors.
Blues and green help people feel more relaxed and calm. Red, on the other hand, is bolder, louder, and can remind people of blood.
Therefore, in order to create a logo that portrays safety, it’s best to avoid the color red.
Smooth Lines
Lastly, your logo should have smooth lines. While sharp lines may look dynamic and exciting, they do not provide a sense of calm like smooth lines do.
After comparing the best safety logos, the most notable thing they had in common was their usage of smooth lines and shapes. If you are thinking about adding lines, paths, or roads in your logo, add a little bit of a curve and smoothness to them.
This will best portray an element of safety.
Create Your Own Safety Logo
Once you feel confident with your team and their safety practices, go ahead and create your logo. And there’s nowhere better to do that than here!
Shall we get started?
Stay Secure With These 5 Tips On Designing A Driveway Alert System Logo
Posted on July 27, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Many people make the false assumption that it’s easy to design a logo. However, logos are much more complicated than people realize. A logo is the visual representation of your brand.
If you’re looking to design a logo for your driveway alert system business, then here are the top 5 tips for designing a logo that makes people feel safe and secure!
1. Consider the Purpose of Your Logo
Before designing a logo, you need to establish what the purpose of your company is and what you’re trying to achieve.
Doing some research on your competitors could help to work out what makes your brand and product unique. You need to reflect your unique selling point in your logo.
You can ask existing customers for feedback on your ideas about logos.
2. Keep It Simple
It’s important to avoid going over the top and too flashy when designing a logo for a driveway alert systems company.
If there is too much going on in your logo, then it won’t be recognizable to potential and existing customers.
Logos represent your brand – driveway alert systems need to evoke security, safety, and trust. Maybe include a symbol representing an alarm, a camera or even a padlock to represent security and safety.
3. Where and How Will it Appear
Before designing a logo it’s important to consider where it’s going to be used and how it will appear to customers. There is a wide variety of places you can display your logo; business cards, posters and billboards, social media and websites.
This is important to consider in advance because if you design your logo with lots of details, then it may not be visible in a smaller format on social media.
4. Color and Fonts Matter
Many people associate colors with different feelings or ideas.
For example, perhaps you could use blue for your logo because research shows that many people associate blue with security, trust, and order. Once you have decided which color to use, then be consistent throughout your marketing.
You may also want to choose a font for your driveway alert systems business. But remember that many of the most recognizable logos, such as Nike or Apple, don’t have any text. When considering fonts select something that is clear and reflects your brand.
5. Be Creative and Original
Being creative with the design of your logo doesn’t mean being complicated. It’s about creating something new and original that stands out against your competitors. This sometimes requires thinking outside of the box.
Coming up with an original logo is not easy. But it’s useful to think beyond the simple image and text. Instead consider the possibilities of using negative space, shadow, and double meanings to create a great logo.
Final Thoughts
Now that you have all the 5 top tips for designing a great logo for your driveway alert systems company, you’re ready to start our online logo making program. On these programs, you have the ability to create, edit, and complete your company logo. Follow these 5 tips to ensure you have a great logo for your driveway alert systems business.
How To Design The Perfect Self Defense Device Logo
Posted on July 26, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

If you’re designing your company’s logo, you’re well aware that the graphic representing your business is often the first and only impression potential customers will see.
When designing a self-defense logo—there’s a lot to communicate in a small amount of space. You’re selling a very particular collection of goods to a niche market. Your logo needs to represent security, protection and a certain level of “toughness.”
What Do You Want Your Self-Defense Logo to Communicate?
In general, when people think self-defense, they think martial arts—so you’ll want to take some steps to ensure that your logo communicates that you sell self-defense devices, not classes.
While it may seem obvious, some themes need to be addressed when tasked with the unique challenge of creating a self-defense logo, here are a few ideas:
Protection—One approach could be incorporating small graphics of your self-defense devices into the actual logo—we’re talking pepper spray, hidden knives and so on. Keep the color palette muted, so things don’t get too busy when you
Security — Be precise in crafting your logo, so people know what to expect—more traditional imagery like robes, belts and chopping motions work well here—as do bold and straightforward color palates. Think black and white accented with red or yellow.
In the case of Defense Devices, they’ve opted to use a heavy weight font, accented with their initials at the center of a gun’s crosshairs.
Take Ethics Seriously
Because you are designing a logo that will be involved in selling weaponry, there are some ethical concerns that may arise. A good self-defense logo should communicate security, protecting yourself and your family and safety.
Stay away from any imagery evoking blood, violence or that makes weapons look “cool” or “fun.”
One way to do this is to take stock of the small stuff—a self-defense logo should feature a straightforward font, employ basic color and shape psychology and avoiding elements that make the design seem inappropriate.
For example—colors like pink and purple are likely too playful for a self-defense logo, as are things like graphics with rounded edges—which give off a “cartoony” feel.
Instead, stick to sharper edges and use authoritative colors like black, red, blue or gray.
Don’t Make Your Self-Defense Logo a Cliché
An important bit of advice, you don’t want to be too obvious. Avoid being too straightforward with your imagery.
For example, direct representations of specific weapons may simply highlight your lack of creativity, ultimately turning potential buyers off completely.
Using a taser, gun or a detailed representation of a knife is akin to using a slice of pizza to advertise a pizza parlor.
Make Your Self-Defense Logo Today
Ready to get started in designing your self-defense logo? Try making your own using Online Logo Maker’s web-based design program. It’s fast, easy, and best of all — it’s completely free.
With the tips outlined above, you’re on the right path to logo success!