How to Create a Logo for Your Mechanic Website
Posted on March 21, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

For many companies, the logo is an essential, memorable part of their brand. From Apple’s apple logo to Allstate’s “good hands” logo, you tend to associate these brands with the logo, and it makes them more memorable. If you want your business to be successful, you’ll need to create a logo that will push you forward.
There is no perfect way to create a logo. Many famous logos come from random inspiration. Others are very simple while still being effective. Here are a few tips on how to create a logo for your mechanic website.
1. Determine a Type of Logo
There are various different types of logos, from font-based logos that focus on company names to abstract graphic logos like Nike’s famous swoosh. For many mechanic websites, the ideal logo is a combination of both.
This combination will usually include a car or some aspect of mechanics, such as gears or a wrench, as well as the name of the company. This type of logo is a no-brainer and one can never go wrong with it.
2. Think About Color Scheme
Colors can have a dramatic effect on a person’s mood and how we perceive certain objects. Companies know this, and use their color scheme in their logos to convince us to purchase their products. For example, many banks use blue in their logos to portray trust and stability.
When choosing a color scheme for your logo, you will want to figure out what type of message you’re trying to convey. Will you go with a reliable brown color or a harmonious green color scheme? Either way, you’ll want to figure that out sooner rather than later, as it will be the base of your logo.
3. Think About What You Do Best
When creating your logo, you’ll want to consider what your business’ specialty is. Are you known for fixing up luxury cars? You might want to consider including an Audi in your logo. Is your customer service the best in town? Consider including a mechanic to represent you.
Wherever it is that you feel your business is strongest, you will want your logo to focus on that. Customers will be able to make the mental connection in their head and understand what your company stands for.
4. Understand the Competition
In every aspect of your business, you’ll want to know where your competition is doing well and where it is lacking. Logo design is no exception. As you start to create your logo, make sure you identify where your competition is succeeding and what its shortcomings are.
By improving on the success of your competition and avoiding their same shortcomings, you will have the best logo in your local market. This will, inevitably, draw more customers and ensure more success.
Are You Ready to Create a Logo?
If you need help creating a logo for your mechanic website, look no further. Once you’ve figured out what you want to capitalize on and what kind of color scheme and message you want to deliver, a professional can help take you all the way.
Check out our online logo maker to get started on making the logo that will set you apart from your competition for good.
What Famous Auto Logos Mean and What You Can Learn From Them
Posted on November 10, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

The stories behind famous auto logos are often unknown. Yet, their uniqueness provides the perfect place to look for inspiration when designing your own logos.
You will be full of ideas after reading about these clever secrets behind the creation of some of the world’s most recognized logos.
Not to mention, knowing all these interesting facts about auto companies may come in handy at your next trivia night or even when discussing your insurance discount with your agent.
Check them out!
Audi Remembers Its History
You may wonder why Audi has so many rings in its logo.
Audi’s rings stem from a complicated history. They symbolize four different automaking companies that joined forces in 1932 to create the Auto Union, which became known as Audi AG around 1964.
The first ring represents the original German automaker, Horch, founded in 1899.
Its engineer, Mr. Horch, left his namesake in 1909 to start his own automaking company which he named Audi. The second ring stands for the original Audi.
The third ring represents the German auto-builder Wanderer, and the fourth is for the steam engine company, DKW, that began making cars in 1928.
So, Audi’s rings are a reminder of national unification.
The emblem stands out from other auto logos today because it is the only brand made up of multiple horizontal circles.
It never hurts to be different, and the archives may be a good place to start.
BMW’s Loyalty To Home
Debated for decades, the history behind the BMW logo is actually pretty simple.
The BMW letters stand for its initial registered name: Bayerische Motoren Werke.
The emblem is commonly thought to represent the propellers of an airplane. However, it has recently been confirmed that this appearance was only coincidence.
The reality is that BMW’s designers wanted the logo to symbolize the company’s home state of Bavaria, Germany, but there were strict laws regarding national symbols in company trademarks in 1917.
So, BMW found a way to get around the rules.
They placed the Bavarian free state colors (blue and white) within a ring but flipped the colors so they were in opposite order.
If you’re having trouble thinking of design aspects, you can’t go wrong with keeping it local. Especially today when local is trendy.
Cadillac Keeps It Royal
The Cadillac logo is meant to represent the family crest of the founder of Detroit, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, whom the company is named after (if you didn’t catch that).
While there is speculation that the crest may have been conjured up by Mr. Cadillac himself, the emblem still represents royalty through its design.
The silver wreath symbolizes aristocracy and the colored stripes stand for riches (gold), superiority (black), and valor (blue).
Today, the royal and historical appearance of the Cadillac logo continues to match its luxurious inventory.
If high-end is a characteristic of your company, then it wouldn’t hurt steal some of Cadillac’s design tricks.
Ferrari’s Tribute
The iconic Ferrari logo of a prancing stallion has personal routes.
Enzo Ferrari designed the logo to honor the idolized Italian fighter pilot in World War 1, Count Francesco Baracca, who had painted the image on the side of his plane.
Ferrari added the yellow background to stand for the color of his Italian home city, Modena (again, keeping it local).
The story behind Ferrari’s logo is a reminder that inspiration can be found in admirations and personal relations.
Mercedes-Benz’s Bold Goal
The Mercedes logo, designed by the founder’s sons Paul and Adolf Daimler, got its inspiration from a postcard sent by their father, Gottlieb Daimler, to his wife in 1872.
The postcard had a three-pointed star with a note stating how it would one day shine over Daimler’s business.
In 1926, Benz and Mercedes merged and with it some new, bolder values, which the company expressed through its logo.
The emblem kept the three-pointed star to symbolize the goal of dominating the three points of Earth: the land, the sea, and the air.
In auto logos as well as the market, it never hurts to be direct and ambitious.
Subaru Looks to the Stars
Subaru is the Japanese word for “unite”.
It’s also the name of a cluster of six stars within the Taurus constellation. This is why the Subaru logo includes a circle with six stars inside.
The name and the stars may represent the six companies that merged to form Subaru’s parent company in 1953.
In Greek mythology, the stars are considered Atlas’ daughters– which would be a fitting metaphor for the child company.
So, when you’re struggling to find that meaningful touch for your auto logos, just look to the stars!
Toyota Gets Philosophical
Toyota’s logo is made of three different size ovals and is actually highly thought out and philosophical.
The two inside ovals overlapping each other symbolize the connection and trust between the heart of the client and the heart of Toyota itself.
They also form the shape of a steering wheel and a “T” for Toyota.
The outside oval represents the world, as Toyota is an international brand.
Toyota didn’t leave out its founding culture, either. The emblem’s ovals are designed to look similar to Japanese brush art.
Volvo Turns To Science
While Volvo vehicles are anything but nerdy, their logo may be a little bit on the geeky side. But, hey it worked.
The Swedish designers took the Volvo name and logo quite seriously.
The name Volvo was chosen based on research that showed the word would be easy to pronounce in most languages and cultures, and easy to spell as well.
The symbol? It represents the chemical icon for iron.
Not only does it stand for the metal associated with Mars and weaponry, it also symbolizes Sweden’s rich iron industry and history.
So, Volvo has science, research, and nationality backing up its image. Not a bad play.
What We Can Learn From
Whether the muse comes from culture, history, locality, unity, astronomy, philosophy, or royalty, there is one common theme behind all famous auto logos– they have their own, individual stories.
When designing your logo, think about what makes your company or even yourself unique. Reflect on your experiences, passions, goals, and history.
If you still need help, read up on what all great car logos have in common.
Auto Logo Design Made Easy
Now that you’ve learned the secrets behind some of the most iconic car logo designs in the world, I’d say you’re ready to try your hand at making your own.
Lucky for you, Online Logo Maker makes it easier than ever with their free online design tools.
Be sure to check out their informative tutorials, too.
5 Useful Automotive Logo Design Tips
Posted on November 10, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

As an automotive company, your brand’s job is to get the audience moving.
They need to know that you’re reliable and you offer quality products. It’s highly important for buyers interested in a vehicle to establish a level of trust with the seller.
Despite its small appearance, your logo packs quite a hard punch. It communicates a message to the consumer, so make sure it’s saying what it should.
Are you in charge of creating an automotive logo design? Well, look no further. We’ve got 5 useful tips to help you get it right.
1. Get Creative with Symbols
When creating an automotive logo design, many companies think they must use a car. Or, they also think it has to be something car-related.
We don’t advise you go with something that’s totally out of the blue (unless it works with your brand of course). But, you don’t have to stick to the cliches either.
Look at Mercedes-Benz (6th best logo of all time) or Kia. Many big name dealers have established successful brands with their unique symbols.
2. Think Long-Term
As mentioned above, since you’re apart of the automotive industry, you need to be trusted. A great way to establish trust is to demonstrate longevity.
You can do that by creating a classic design that remains relevant over the years. You don’t want to create based on trends, but that doesn’t mean it can’t look modern.
A great example of this balance is the sophisticated red design of House of Cars. It’s bold but not overbearing, and warm but not overly passive either.
3. Your “One Thing”
The best logos will leave their audience remembering one thing. It’s the essential piece that helps them strike a resonance with your brand.
So, to resonate with an automobile buyer, you’ll have to carefully consider your targets. What’s the one feature you’d like to leave with your audience?
As an auto shop, it may be your friendliness or quality of service. You must drive those features into your design.
4. Color Matters
The color says it all. Again, you’ll want to reflect back on the message you’re trying to send. How can you send that best through color?
Here are some common examples:
- Red: Bold, active
- Yellow: Friendly, warm
- Blue: Calm, reliable
- Black: Powerful, dependable
- White: Easygoing, simple
- Brown: Rough, strong
5. Keep The Name
The last thing we’ll leave you with is to consider how your name will tie in.
In the automotive industry, there’s endless competition so we recommend including your name. This saves you from being mistaken for one of the other guys.
We also suggest tweaking an already existing font for another unique advantage. Use negative spaces and avoid any font that looks tacky.
Let’s Make Your Automotive Logo Design
You’ve got the tools, now it’s time to go to work. Our online logo maker allows you to create an amazing design for your brand.
Oh, and did we mention it’s free and takes only 5 minutes?
We have countless templates and a large selection of fonts you can choose from. Also, you’re able to save your logo and edit whenever!
Get started today! Click here to start creating your automotive design.
4 Tips to Designing a Memorable Auto Logo
Posted on September 08, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

What do companies like Nike, Apple, and McDonald’s have in common? When you think of them, the image that comes to your head first is most likely their logo.
If you are an automobile dealer, it is very important that you have a memorable auto logo so your products stay in your client’s minds and the public consciousness.
Here are 4 tips to designing a one-of-a-kind, creative logo:
Choose The Right Font
People without an artistic eye may not realize that font is an extremely important aspect of an effective logo. The font you decide will dictate how people perceive your brand.
You want your logo to communicate professionalism and sophistication. If you choose a font that is too casual or light-hearted you may not be taken seriously by your consumer base.
For example, fonts that are more square exude trustworthiness, while rounded fonts are more suited for lifestyle or entertainment companies. Your font is even more important if you want your logo to be font-only.
Many companies go this route successfully. But you should hire someone to design a unique font just for your company so that you font-only logo still stands out.
Decide On A Color Scheme
Colors can also go a long way to communicate your brand to your consumers. The color you choose speaks to consumers about the types of services you offer.
For example, brighter colors typically represent energy, youthfulness, and passion. Darker colors represent comfort, simplicity, and elegance. An auto logo would likely feature darker colors, but it depends on how you want to be represented.
If you want to appeal to a younger generation of car consumers, a brighter color scheme might work. But you may be choosing those colors at the expense of other demographics, like families.
When it comes to colors, your target audience is everything. Once you decide on who you are trying to appeal to, cater your strategy toward them.
Narrow Down the Design
After picking the font and the color scheme, make sure you choose a unique design that works perfectly for where you will be placing it.
If you plan on selling merchandise, choose a logo design that people might want to wear on a t-shirt. If your logo will be on a sign outside of your business, make sure it draws people in without being too distracting.
The best logos straddle the line between familiarity and freshness. You want your consumer base to trust you and your products while also exhibiting a contemporary sense of style.
An Auto Logo Should Be Simple
For an automobile dealer like Wackerli Subaru, simplicity is key. You want your logo to reflect the same understated elegance of your cars. If you over do it, you risk losing credibility with your target audience.
Also, the less of your logo there is, the easier it will be for your audience to remember it. Your logo should be designed to stand the test of time while being creative enough for your consumer base to resonate with it.
The Takeaway
Make sure your logo accurately communicates everything you want your brand to stand for, and you will connect with your audience in a substantial way.
If you have any more questions about designing an auto logo, please contact us!