5 Tips to Spruce Up Your Carpet Cleaning Logo
Posted on September 18, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

If you’re in the carpet cleaning business, you’re going to want a sharp, clean logo that reflects your superior service.
But coming up with a perfect logo is often harder than you’d think. You’re going to need a bit of help to make the most of your logo making service.
Read on for some quick tips on how you can spruce up your carpet cleaning logo.
5 Tips to Spruce Up Your Carpet Cleaning Logo
1. Think About Color
First, your logo needs to be something that you personally identify with as a business owner. It needs to be something that you take pride in. Something that you’re happy to show off and that you feel really represents your business.
Incorporate a bit of your company’s personality within your carpet cleaning logo. First, you’ll want to come up with colors. Generally speaking, cleaning companies tend to use warmer colors.
Typically, baby blues, oranges, and reds are amongst the most popular. Research shows that color can be hugely influential. Each color brings about a unique emotional effect.
2. Look at Your Competition
It’s a great idea to keep track of the competition. Look at their logo and pay close attention.
What types of colors are they using? If your colors are too similar, you run the risk of confusing customers.
A little similarity isn’t a huge issue. But your logo needs to be different enough that your customer base can clearly tell you apart from the competition.
3. Out With the Old, in With the New
If you’ve already got a logo, you don’t have to scrap all elements of your previous design. Not only can this cut costs, but it can help avoid customer confusion. Changing too much, too fast is a bit of a shock to customers.
There may be aspects of your logo that your audience identifies with, be it a color or image.
Consider how your current logo can be altered. Think about changing specific elements of it instead of changing it entirely.
4. Get Minimal
One of the more popular trends to hit the graphic design market is minimalism. Tons of companies are ditching expensive, convoluted logos in favor of something more simple.
Apple’s logo is a great example of this. It features no text, just a simple white apple with a bite taken out of it. Yet it’s instantly recognizable to millions of people across the globe.
Remember the adage less is more? Well, it’s certainly true when it comes to logo design.
5. Consider How Your Carpet Cleaning Logo Will Scale
Think about how your logo will look when scaled on different platforms. While it may look great at a medium size, images tend to lose clarity when blown up.
Make sure that your logo won’t look too jagged or washed out when made larger.
With these 5 tips, you’ll have a more beautiful carpet cleaning logo in no time! And don’t forget that we offer tons of services to help make your logo more beautiful than ever.
Whether you’re making a complete change or just looking to spruce things up, we can help. Sign up today!
3 Sparkling Ideas for Your Commercial Cleaning Logo
Posted on July 06, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Golden arches. A checkmark. Curvy letters along the can of a cold beverage.
Can you imagine the company that uses these logos? Do you know their name?
Logos are important. They are the identity of your business and are a primary way that your customers will think of your brand.
So what kind of logo should a business that offers commercial cleaning use? Read on for some tips to help you decide!
Colors That Shine
It is known that certain colors can evoke different kinds of emotions to the viewer, and when it comes to designing your cleaning logo, you can use this to your advantage. Take a look at different charts online to find a color combination that will make your customers feel the way you’d like them to.
For example, blue and green are calming colors, as well as give off a “clean” feeling, bringing to mind clean water. Perfect for a cleaning logo! On the opposite spectrum, bright yellows evoke a cheerful emotion, and can be exciting to look at, and can bring to mind sunshine and warmth.
It depends on your personal style and taste, but colors are a vital part of any logo, so definitely keep them in mind when working on your own.
Simple and Clean
A big mistake a lot of logo-makers is that they try to make it too detailed, or too fancy. The secret to a good and memorable logo is to be simple so that your customers can recall it without difficulty.
Clear lines and simplistic shapes are the best way to go.
A good idea would be to write down a list of things that illustrate what your business is about, or the kinds of services that you offer.
Maybe a bucket of soapy water? A tall clean window? A room that sparkles with its cleanliness?
Now take that common item and make it special. A bucket with its soapy water and bubbles to outline your business’s name. Or what about those clean windows. Maybe you would like to have them as a border for your cleaning logo?
The possibilities are endless, but keep in mind that always golden rule: Less is more!
Rinse and Repeat
Once you have an idea for your logo, it’s time for the hard part: editing. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your cleaning logo!
Save your current design, then go back to the drawing board and try out an entirely new one. Run through a bunch of styles, even things that might look bad at first, because eventually, you’ll find something new and exciting.
Don’t be afraid to have fun with it!
It’s all part of the creative process to make a mess before polishing it up into something fantastic.
It may be that you won’t realize until later that your chosen logo just isn’t working. That’s okay! Re-branding is something that companies do all the time, and it’s just another way to give your business that breath of fresh air.
In Conclusion
Keep these three tips in mind when selecting the design for your cleaning logo, and you’ll have no trouble at all in finding one that is both memorable and great-looking.
If you have no idea where to start with the design, try out our free to use logo maker. It’s a great way to test out the waters and find something that works for both you and your business. We even have a tutorial to help you get the best out of our program!
Good luck!
How Creating a Cleaning Company Logo Can Launch Your Business
Posted on June 14, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

These days, cleaning companies are more popular than ever.
While home cleaning apps were once all the rage, now consumers have realized that they need the expertise of a professional service — not a college student looking for a quick part-time job — to get their home sparkling.
How can you create a branding strategy that communicates that your services provide timely, trustworthy, and thorough services?
It all starts with the perfect cleaning company logo.
In this post, we’ll tell you how to create the perfect one.
Get Personal
Professional clean up services are much more personal than most business relationships. After all, your employees will be in someone’s private home, cleaning up potentially embarrassing messes they’ve made.
It’s likely that, especially if families have a particular housekeeper for a long time, a relationship that is both personal and professional will develop. This is a good thing, as it helps to establish trust.
It also helps you to get more referrals and to grow your business.
Your cleaning company logo needs to reflect this unique relationship. Why not include an image of the housekeeper, doing some dusting or vacuuming inside a home?
You could also depict a client coming home to a clean house after a long day, looking happy as the housekeeper looks on. No matter which image you go with, it should indicate a sense of trust, relief, and a job well done.
Try Something New
Of course, thanks to the birth of cleaning apps, an increase in professional cleaning services, and good old fashioned flyers, the competition is fierce.
But you don’t need to slash your prices or place a time limit on your employees’ work in order to compete.
Instead, you need to create a cleaning company logo that is of-the-moment without being too trendy (you don’t want it to look outdated in a few months.)
One popular tactic you could try? Include hand-drawn, professional illustrations in your logo. This could include a colorful, pencil-sketched drawing of cleaning supplies, a stylish housekeeper holding a mop, or anything else you can dream up.
Flex Your Creative Muscles
Many businesses simply don’t realize the wonderful branding opportunity that the text of a logo offers. They get so caught up in finding the perfect image, that they often forget about typography and font.
For example, you could create letters out of dust, and have a drawing of a cleaner sweeping them away. Or, you could create letters out of different cleaning tools. Think things like brooms, buckets, and feather dusters.
To really get a leg up on the competition, don’t be afraid to go a bit bold. Bright colors, block lettering, and other out-of-the-box font styles are all a great way to set yourself apart.
Plus, these logos especially pop online.
Ready to Make Your Cleaning Company Logo?
As you can see, a logo gives you creative freedom, a great branding opportunity, and a chance to connect with a wide market.
Remember that everyone needs a home cleaning service — so you’re playing to a wider audience than most businesses.
To that end, use our free logo maker tool to ensure you’ve selected the best design possible. Always check back with our blog to learn more about the latest in logo design!